We all get bored with things from time to time, don’t we?
Meals we have regularly become dull, books in the same genre fail to keep our attention, and sometimes we can even go-off things we never thought we would tire of.
Blogs can be just the same – even if you actually own and maintain one.
The trouble is, you may not even notice your holiday let blog has gone downhill at first. It may take a while to spot it, and when you do, it can be tricky to know what to do about it.
So, with that in mind, here are three signs to watch out for – and three solutions to help you get back on track.
1 – You’ve got fewer readers
Some days you’ll have fewer readers than others.
However, if the numbers have been steadily dropping for a while, it’s a sure sign people are going elsewhere.
Take a long hard look at your blog posts.
What could be turning readers off? Are your posts shorter or less reliable in frequency than they used to be?
Identify when the drop-off began, and see what’s different about posts published after that date compared to those before it.
You’ll most likely spot vital clues to help you get back on track.
2 – You’re posting less frequently
This problem usually stems from running out of ideas to write about. Boredom can be another reason, although it usually comes from the same place.
Take a look back through recent blog posts, as well as those you wrote some time ago. Which areas have you been neglecting – without even realising this is the case?
Most blogs have a number of sub-topics with content in. Maybe yours hasn’t – or you’ve been ignoring one or two sub-topics completely.
Find out which is the case and start creating some ideas for those sections first. Having an ideas book also helps, as you’ll never run out.
3 – You’re getting fewer shares on social media sites
It can take a while to build up an audience that will help you share your content. However, if you were used to getting a certain level of shares and that’s no longer happening, you should try and do something about it.
Ask yourself why people shared your earlier content. What are the differences between that content and the content you are sharing now?
Remember, quantity doesn’t trump quality, so try and identify the things that made your earlier content shareable.
Look to build those same qualities into every post going forward. It doesn’t hurt to remind yourself of how to achieve the best-quality posts.
And remember, it’s never too late to make improvements to your holiday rental blog
Blogs take time to grow an audience, but that audience can easily be lost if you run into any of the problems mentioned above.
Now you know what to do about them, you have every reason to start making continual improvements to your holiday let blog from today.
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