Why do you spend time on social media sites?
We’re not talking about your personal accounts – we’re talking about the accounts you maintain on Twitter, Facebook, etc. for your holiday let business.
Why do you have those accounts, and are you making the most of them?
Many people say they have social media pages and accounts to help promote their business. But there’s more than one way to promote any business. You may post links to blog posts on your business site, for example, and add special offers and other things that could make it easier to connect with people.
But perhaps the most important thing of all is to practise great customer service.
Without this, you won’t be achieving the results you’d like to for your holiday rental property and website.
We’ve put together some tips to help you understand how you can engage more people (and guests) via social media, simply by paying more attention to customer service.
1: Give your social media interactions a human side
There’s a lot to be said for professionalism, but remember to be human, too.
Getting a balance of the two can work wonders. If someone messages you with a compliment or a complaint, responding quickly, personally, and without following a set script can enhance the situation and potentially defuse a problem, too.
2: Focus on the social media sites used by your customers
Now, maybe you love Facebook and you’re not keen on Instagram. That’s fine… for your personal accounts. But if your know your guests are largely fans of Instagram and they don’t seem to congregate on Facebook, your time is going to be better-spent on the former.
Go where your own holiday let guests are going to be.
3: Don’t be negative
It’s easy to be defensive when someone complains about something – even if they haven’t booked into your holiday rental yet.
But always stay positive.
Give yourself a moment to think negatively (if needed to let off some steam), and then compose a positive and courteous response that will hopefully satisfy the complainant.
If you are negative, they’ll likely share that with their followers… and that’s bad publicity for you. Get it right, and they might share that too, and you and your holiday let will benefit.
4: Don’t wait for people to engage with you
This is very important to remember. Use your social media accounts often. Engage with your followers by asking them questions and encouraging them to get involved. It all helps build your brand (yes, even for a single holiday rental property) and it also helps you develop a relationship.
The more confident and comfortable people feel with these interactions, the more likely they are to use your services. And in this case, that means booking a week or two to stay in your holiday let.
Review the above tips regularly to see how you are doing. You might be surprised at the improvements you see when you begin to practise them regularly.
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