Do you know what the USP for your holiday rental is?
Some of you probably do. But for others, you may not have thought about it or not too sure what it could be.
To be clear, USP stands for unique selling point. It points out the unique features of your holiday rental – the points that can set it apart from other holiday rentals in the area.
In some cases, you might combine more than one feature to create a solid USP.
For example, your holiday let might allow dogs. But you could have also gone one step further to ensure it has a safe, enclosed garden for them to room around in too.
These two features together build a solid USP for truly being a pet-friendly accommodation – owners will know they can safely let their dogs into the garden without worrying about whether or not they could escape. Not only will this make things easier, but it’ll also help the owners relax when enjoying their sunset glass of wine, rather than dog watching every second.
Having a USP can secure a booking. So let’s look at how to find yours.
Do you know what your USP is?
If you’re already aware of what your USP is, ask yourself whether you’re promoting it properly.
To help you find out, write it down, then go through every page of your website to see how many times you’ve mentioned it.
It should be very clear what it is (although always remember to include it naturally within your page text).
If it isn’t, take some time to review and rework your website copy as there’s bound to be a way you can make improvements.
How strongly does your USP come through? If we refer to our example above, have you made it 100% clear that your property is dog-friendly and that it’s most likely better than all the other dog-friendly rentals nearby?
If not, you definitely should!
Finding your USP
This is the essential first step to take if you don’t have a clue what your USP actually is.
Think of all the relevant details about your property and the local area.
Is it close to an area of natural beauty? Is it in a national park? Is it close to a variety of attractions that would appeal to families or couples? Does it have a private swimming pool? Hot tub? Sea views? Or does it attract a certain type of visitor, such as someone looking for a walking / biking / bird-watching / vineyard holiday?
Now bearing this in mind, you may find you need to reposition yourself in the marketplace. Edit your website text to make sure your USP comes through as strongly as possible.
Could a strong USP actually bring in more bookings?
If you take the time to promote your rental’s unique selling point on your website, you should naturally start attracting the people who will most likely book, by using relevant words and phrases throughout the content (all without keyword stuffing, of course).
And eventually, you should start appearing in relevant search engine results, when people are looking for a property with features just like yours has.
Spending time thinking about, and including your holiday let USP on your website is definitely time well spent.
It gives you a stronger position to market your property from, which in turn means you could end up welcoming more guests in the future.
Standing out when marketing your holiday rental can only be a good thing – as long as it’s for good reasons like your unique selling point!
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